Say 'Middle Ceeeeee!'

Posts tagged “overly earnest


Does he juggle, too?

On Your Knees

At least the one knee that we can see. The other leg… well, who knows?

(via @wheresstephane, who asked: “Why would anyone allow this picture of them to be taken, and published?”)


Looks like they were comparing notes.

But not playing any. Because it’s hard to play when you’re draped over the keyboard, overcome with sadness.

Line ’em up

My, my. He has so many instruments, and all of them are, uhh, standing at attention.

Don’t drown the violin!



Or is that what those two guys are toasting to?

Also, I want to see a fountain spraying out of the saxophone.

Thank to @leahkardos for this photo.

Harpist on a Horse


It’s not a classical harp, but we still had to post it.

Besides, the horse objected to carrying anything bigger.

I’m sure that Ligeti score is around here somewhere…


Is that an actual mess, or did they artfully arrange the scores around him while he sat earnestly on that box?